Making Sense and Scents - our Podcast

Have you had a chance to listen to our podcast called "Making Sense out of Autism?"

At Beloved Bath, we work with amazing scents AND we are on a never ending journey to make sense out of autism.  As seasoned autism moms, we want to share our experiences raising John and Justin who are now in their early twenties.  For many autism parents, the road can be stressful, lonely, and scary. It can also be rewarding and empowering. Every person with autism is unique and every journey is different. Yet, there are many themes and commonalities on the winding path of navigating autism. 

We share the highs, lows, and our insights as autism moms. These views comes from our lens as parents of children with profound autism. When we use the term "profound" we mean that our sons have challenges with communication, behavior, and important life skills.  They basically are amazing humans who happen to require the help and support of others to meet most of their daily needs and to keep them safe, happy, and thriving.

We believe that often people with profound autism are under represented in the autism community because they do not have the language or communication skills necessary to advocate for themselves. 

We seek to represent our boys, discuss our wins and challenges, and hopefully to share information that is actionable or supportive.

Check us out at.... and see if we resonate with you. We are not for everyone, but we hope if you feel our vibe you will be part of our tribe.

"Making Scents Out of Autism" can be found on Spotify, Anchor, and itunes.


Pam and Pat

1 comment

  • Nice to have found you all! A friend sent me to your site. I too have a son with profound autism who’s about to be 20 and I started a nonprofit in the Houston Texas area back in 2014 to raise awareness and help for the more affected people with autism and their families. Glad to have found you!

    Lisa Graham-Garza

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