The Core Value of Independence And Autism Employment

Fireworks... Barbeques... Gatherings... Parades... SALES (stay tuned😉) 

There are so many traditions and ways to celebrate our nation's declaration of independence. July 4th is a favorite holiday... smack in the middle of the summer season - many warm sunny days ahead and lots of fun activities on the horizon.

Independence is also at the core of our mission of meaningful employment for people with autism. At Beloved Bath, we celebrate the abilities of employees and the independence and accomplishments they are able to achieve. We also salute the hard and fulfilling work along the way. 

Sometimes independence is learning a new skill in either making or packaging/ shipping our goodies. Other times the independence comes from mastering soft skills at work. Soft skills are the social skills, team work, and tasks such as signing in and out or asking for help, that are so necessary to be successful and feel fulfilled in the work force. 

We don't just value the skills needed to succeed at our studio. Our employees are learning pivotal skills that are transferable across different work and life settings. Our goal is to have successful employees who can continue their work at Beloved Bath and also have other employment options down the road. 









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