Our employees SHINE BRIGHT!


We have an amazing workforce at Beloved Bath. For Autism Awareness Month, we want to introduce our team members outside of the Beloved Bath studio. You will see some familiar faces shining bright and doing the things they love.

Our mission statement "meaningful employment for people with autism" highlights the fact that our employees have autism or other developmental disabilities. We want our customers to know the profound impact they are having on the lives of people who otherwise would likely be unemployed or under employed. We also want the world to see that our amazing crew is so much more than a label or diagnosis.

This month our social media will be filled with pictures and stories about our employees. We are excited to highlight the many ways that they shine bright in the world. If you do not already see us on Instagram and Facebook, give us a follow. 

We are excited for you to see our crew in a whole new bright light.



Pam and Pat




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